These grant policies are an informal summary of our granting practices and procedures. They vary in importance, depending on the individual circumstances of each situation. Each, however, reflects the last few years of our grantmaking:
- Grants are made only for activities benefiting Oregon and southern Washington.
- Grants are awarded only to tax-exempt nonprofit 501(c)(3) organizations and government agencies. Only exceptional situations will result in a grant that requires us to exercise the expenditure responsibility procedures required by the IRS for some grants.
- Granting decisions are made by a consensus of our Board of Directors without significant staff recommendation.
- There is some internal inconsistency over the question of operating support versus project support. Like many funders, we appreciate the unique results nonprofits can sometimes achieve through a special project or program. Yet we understand that often the most valuable support we can provide to organizations whose values, goals and work we admire is general or administrative support. Generally speaking, project support still is afforded a preference.
- First-time applicants to the Small Grants Program are rarely awarded more than $5,000.
- Grants outside our indicated areas of interest are initiated by the Foundation.
- No matching funds are required.
- There are no reapplication limits for either previous grantees or others.
- An educational component to a program will not enhance its likelihood of funding.
Our Board meets twice a year. Once in April to decide our Betty Kinsman Fund grants and once in September to decide Historic Preservation and Wildlife grants that haven’t been decided through the small grant program.